Sclupting,Detail and Paint job
Bandai did a very good job on Vegeta sculpting , the face expressiong and the hair is very well been sclupt . On top of that the details on the muscle look excellent with the black colour shading.The paint job are very well been paint the same go for the shading very well been place this really make Vegeta look gorgeous
The tail is another thing that make Vegeta look awesome , The tail is soft where you can bent it around the waist. The sad part is it look too plastic (my own opinion).
Because is a ball joint the shoulder pad actually can move around (left,right,up,down) but with extreme less movement.
The flaps is actually a clip type which attach to the armor and it can be taken out (but very difficult to take out and be extra careful). You can flip the flaps up or down only and because of this the leg can move freely .
As you can see the Vegeta body same with the old design (mechanism) withe the older ver of dragon ball series . the body and the leg are very loose and my Vegeta the left leg easily to come out that really frustrated. The arm and knee joint is very tight .
I really satisfied withe the accessory that
come with Vegeta where we can make used of all the accessories. (i mean all
accessory make sense ). Bandai are thoughtful(considerate,经心) where Bandai give extra head , we can
used this extra head to put it on Vegeta super saiyan. If you don't have Vegeta
super saiyan and if you are good at air brush you can actually paint it to super saiyan (i will do that but now no time).
Like really like the scouting device but putting in on is very frustrated .
Shf Vegeta come with very great sculpting ,details , the paint job is awesome with the shading (in my opinion it look much better than Vegeta super saiyan), satisfied accessory , hand and leg movement is great. With all this great thing the draw back is nothing , So go out there and grab it before it too late.