Kamen Rider OOO Tatoba is another hot selling Kamen Rider it sold out immediately when it reach Malaysia .I'm not sure others country but in Malaysia most of the Retails shop sell the Unkh hand separately ,if include Unkh hand it need to add in another RM 80 .
I really like the sculpt of OOO Tatoba the details for the head ,belt , chest and leg are well sculpt
The Figure itself are great but unfortunately the joint are suck (very very loose) , especially the head the joint are super loose i thought mine having this problem but i have checked more than 6 customer all have the same problem. Also OOO Tatoba very difficult to do pose because of the loose joint .
The thing that i hate most are bandai replace the die cast on SHF feet with ball joint where you cann't do some extreme pose like those old shf .The leg movement are limited because of the design of the leg( refer to the picture above ) wherei it limited the ball joint movement.
The details for the Scanner and the sword (Medajalibur) are really bad , Not enough detail and colour on it really lame
Bandai will reissue OOO Tatoba estimate on Jun 2011 but this reissue it won't include with Unkh hand anymore , maybe this is the reason why it sold out very fast even have to pay extra RM 80 .
Unkh Hand come with Tamashii Stage with it name on it , Bandai used metallic red for the Unkh hand which make it look fantastic, the details is well sclupt .Too bad the only moveable part are at the wrist ,if Unkh finger is moveable that will be awesome
I been waiting for so long for Tatoba to arrive but i very sad that it have this kind of quality , i'm glad that at least Unkh hand can give some credit .
Enjoy some picture i took