DX Mega Heracles from Juukou.

Hey guys, I am back and I am gonna wrap up my B Fighter mechas review today. And now, I am gonna review the DX Mega Heracles from Juukou B Fighter. First appeared in episode 24, this giant hercules beetle is summoned through the use of the Pulsaber's echo ability.

The photo of the front of the box. It says all 6 legs are powered with battery and moves and no, Bandai didn't lie. All 6 legs did move.

The back of the box shows the components it can come off to and also the ultimate combo it can do with the Beet Machine Box set.

When you first open it, Mega Heracles is separated into 2 parts, the main body and the Jet Heracles which is part of its gigantic horn. It also comes with 6 small golden rings to be placed on each of the legs but mine are still on the runner so I didn't touch them.

As usual like the previous set, the Beet Machine Box, the cockpits for both the Jet Heracles and the main body can open to store a figure in. Either the figures from the Beet Machine Box set OR the figures from the Beet Commander / Beetle Bonder set (yeah, I forgot to mention this in the Beet Machine Box review). 

Connect both parts together and you have the majestic DX Mega Heracles. He looks kinda plain in my opinion but his silver body is quite a nice touch. His only and primary function is walking with all 6 of its legs moving.

The video shows how it walks with 6 legs. It walks pretty slowly but if you compare with how it walks in the show, it's doing the exact motion. To operate it, you need to put in 3 C sized batteries and turn the ON/OFF button at its butt (yes, the button is right at the butt).  
Now, what's the purpose of buying this again? I keep forgetting. Oh yeah, to do the ultimate combo, Mega Beet Formation. I don't know whether this has an official name in the Beetleborgs series. 

When combined, it looks very very very captivating. It's a disappointment if you don't buy Mega Heracles if you already have the Beet Machine Box. The combination is straightforward, very straightforward indeed. No manuals indeed. Just open up the yellow portion of the upper back body of Heracles and it will reveal a wider base with strange pegs. Just place each Beet Machine on according to the box photo and you're done. The pegs lock the wheels of each Beet Machine nicely. On a side note, I believe there should be a proper instruction for this where the Red Gyro should go in first because I had a hard time putting Gyro after I put the other 2 on the sides.

In Mega Beet Formation mode, it can still walk like how it does without the weights on the back. Interesting enough, it does so in the show as well, so no complaints. 
Generally speaking, this guy is good ONLY IF YOU HAVE THE BEET MACHINE BOX. I don't see a reason buying him if you don't have the Beet Machines to do the combination. Then again, it's retail price is terribly shocking during the show's run in 1995. It was a whopping 7800 yen which is about the price of a DX mecha. I got this from the same seller at YAJ for also 1000 yen and I am happy I caught them both together. If I couldn't find the Beet Machine Box, I wouldn't buy Mega Heracles yet.
In all, I would say this guy alone is about 3 stars of 5 for playability while 2.5 for value because of its original heavy price tag. My final complaint would be that why Bandai didn't include a little sound effect on cannon firing sounds? I wanted the Mega Beet Cannon sound XD. Anyways, this concludes my 2 part review of the DX B-Fighter mechas. See you guys again real soon.

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